How To Handle Unwanted Behaviour

How To Handle Unwanted Behaviour We live in a world where strangers have the ability to give you their opinion, pass judgement, be grotesque or leave a passing comment. These may not mean anything to them but could mean the world to you. Here is our advice how to handle that. Recently we have had…

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How The Oldies Get Fit

How The Oldies Get Fit… Does age play a role in getting fit? Can we still lose weight after 40, 50 or even 60? Stephen and Rab discuss age and exercise, what the real issues are and how to optimise your training. Even if you are an oldie. We have had a conversation going on…

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Simple Speed Ladder Workout

Simple Speed Ladder Workout Speed ladder exercise is great for stimulating your muscles, increasing your metabolism and in turn burning more fat. Here are some simple speed ladder drills to add into your routine. Today we are bringing you see speed ladder variations. The idea if speed ladders is to activate your fast twitch muscle…

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Get A Good Nights Sleep

Get A Good Nights Sleep… Some of us can suffer from sleep issues at some point inner lives and its important not too panic. There are many tips that you can follow to help minimise this issue and hopefully get you back to sleeping like a baby. So we are going to chat to you…

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Non-Equipment Quad Workout

Non-Equipment Quad Workout If you want strong quads without going to the gym then the non-equipment quad workout is for you. This is a leg workout without weights that will leave your legs feeling like jelly. This is a great quads workout for men and women, utilising body weight exercises that you can do at…

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Stop Procrastinating – How To Get Stuff Done

Stop Procrastinating – How To Get Stuff Done We’ve all been in that frame of mind when you know what you should be doing but you can’t be bothered doing it. Procrastination is the killer of productivity but with just a simple mindset shift, we can learn how to be productive. Learn to stop procrastinating…

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The Best Exercise For Burning Fat

The Best Exercise For Burning Fat There is no such thing as the wonder pill exercise for fat loss. However, if we were to entertain the idea of the best exercise for fat burning this would be our answer. People want to hear a specific answer to this question. They think I need one exercise…

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How To Get Rid Of Stubborn Belly Fat

How To Get Rid Of Stubborn Belly Fat How to get rid of stubborn belly fat is a common question we receive regularly. We believe this is due to a high number of people who keep fit, get the arms and legs in good form but haven’t really approached the diet to a degree required…

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Mind Over Matter – The Scottish Way

Mind Over Matter – The Scottish Way When times get tough your mind will create illusions convincing yourself that you should stop trying. Always remember that your body can do much more than your mind will have you believe. To bypass this system we have created the Scottish way soapily mind over matter but this…

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How To Get Great Glutes

How To Get Great Glutes… How To Get Great Glutes with these 3 Simple Exercises. This video showcases the secret to getting and maintaining great glutes. First off you need to pre activate the glutes with the exercises shown in this video and then you will maximise your workout potential with the following three movements.…

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