There is NO Tomorrow!
There Is NO Tomorrow… There is NO tomorrow. All we have is now. Yesterday and tomorrow do not exist other than in our thoughts. what ever you want to achieve, what ever you want in life, at now! In the movie Rocky 3, which is all abut facing your fears! In the movie he is…
What Do You Take For Granted?
What Do You Take For Granted? The human mind is extremely good at dulling things down. Whether they be negative or positive. This can be beneficial in negative circumstances but in everyday life we often take for granted some truly special places, people and experiences. As you can see we have some guests with us…
This is us…And this is also us!
This is us…And this is also us! So today we are going discuss a little bit about social media. The point today is never believe everything you see on social media! Every single person, including us, always want to look their best. So when you leave the house in the mornings, most people check themselves…
How To Stand On A Gym Ball
How To Stand On A Gym Ball… How to stand on a gym ball. This video will teach you how to safely stand up on a gym ball. For this video you will need a stability ball and a safe environment to practice in as there is a possibility you may fall and injure yourself…
How To Rise Above It!
How To Rise Above It… ‘Rise above it’s a phrase that most people have heard but very few people can visualise how to apply it to stressful situations. It was also a great excuse to showcase our new drone! So today we want to talk to you a little bot about coaching you to rise…
Fighting Fit Lifestyle
Fighting Fit Lifestyle… Are you tense? On edge? Always looking to protect yourself but risk burning out, constant fatigue and even depression? Coach Stephen is currently learning some important lessons in Judo which actually apply to life. So coach Stephen has zero miles in the tank! Lets hope he gets home with getting stranded in…
Kilt Strength – revamped!
Kilt Strength… Wearing a kilt gives you certain powers beyond mortal comprehension and kilt strength is but one of the many talents you will receive upon putting on a kilt. Coach Rab has his Canadian cousin over and will be giving him a little sample of Scotland. Starting off showing him the kilt, showing…
Life Is Like Google – You’ll Find What You Are Looking For.
Life Is Like Google… Life is like Google. Your brain and mind are very clever but sometimes to your own detriment. What ever you focus on will come into your reality but unfortunately that can often be the very things that are bringing us down. This is why Life is very much like Google. What…
What Have The Coaches Been Up To This Week?
What Have The Coaches Been Up To This Week… Mindset Monday… The Revenant mindset is a concept which is based around the comeback the main character in the movie ‘The revenant’ makes. The term ‘revenant’ basically means “to return from the dead” which in usual lore usually relates to skeletons or zombies. But in this…
How To Look Good In A Kilt
How To Look Good In A Kilt… How to look good in a Kilt. If you are going to wear a Kilt you should do it with pride. Here is a simple workout to make the kilt look even better. The main muscle groups that will be worked are the calfs and the quads. You…