That One Thing

That One Thing… That one thing to guarantee success. Stephen and Rab, The Kilted Coaches, deliver another mindset lesson and this time they discuss how to guarantee success on any given day. By defining your one thing, you all but guarantee a successful day. So today, we are bringing this lesson all the way falls…

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Weekly round up for the kilted coaches

Weekly Round Up for the Kilted Coaches… How To Balance Your Life… Some people are very physical, some are more spiritual, then you have your thinkers, the very logical people and you even have those who are financially focussed. It’s important in life to be mindful of the way you are and always aim to…

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How to Burn Fat Fast

How to Burn Fat Fast… How to lose fat fast! This is a common question we get asked all the time so here we showcase a real fat burning workout that will stress the muscles into tearing up calories. Ideal if you’ve just returned from a lazy holiday. Please consult your doctor before attempting any…

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How To Balance Your Life

How To Balance Your Life… Some people are very physical, some are more spiritual. Then you have the thinkers, the very logical people and you even have those who are very financially focussed. Its important in life to be mindful of the way you are and always aim to balance your life. So, todays lesson…

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The Kilted Coaches Weekly Round Up

The Kilted Coaches Weekly Round Up… First, Stephen and Rab brought you their Mindset Monday. This was all about being offended! It’s ok to be offended. Many people often change their behaviour and companies have been known to change policies….. all in fear of people being offended. As we discuss in this video, being offended…

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Plank Variation Ab Routine for A Stronger Core

Plank Variation Ab Routine for A Stronger Core… The plank variation Ab routine is a fantastic workout for building a good strong core and tightening the mi section. This routine will maximise fat burning and get you on your way to a firmer stomach. As with all these exercise routines, please consult your doctor before…

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It’s OK To Be Offended

Its OK To Be Offended… Many people often change their behaviour and companies have been known to change policies…. all in fear of people being offended. As we discuss in this video, being offended is nothing more than a whinge based on nothing but your opinion. This weeks episode is all about being offended. The…

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This weeks round up for the Kilted Coaches

This weeks round up for the Kilted Coaches… This Weeks Mindset Monday… William Wallace Mindset. We all have goals, dreams, ambitions, virtues, standards and beliefs but all too often we don’t live up to them due to opposition, resistance or simple negative thoughts in our head. Stand up for what you believe like William Wallace.…

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Kilt Speed

Kilt Speed… The Kilt is mythical, magical and its powers have never been truly measured. One if the benefits of putting on the kilt is the added speed it gives you when running, as showcased in this video.  

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Fix Your Lower Back and Tummy

Fix Your Lower Back and Tummy… There are a lot of us that suffer from lower back pain, whether its from heavy lifting at your work or perhaps the opposite, sitting in a chair all too often. In the case of post pregnancy, lower back pain is a very common issue. Find out how to…

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