Weekly Round Up of The Kilted Coaches

This weeks round up of The Kilted Coaches… First up, The Coaches brought you their Mindset Monday and this weeks was all about Standing Tall and being proud of who you are! Stand Tall, Be Proud. We are all guilty sometimes of hiding behind false armour. Whether it be baggy clothes, make-up or even a…

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Thor versus Tom Hardy

Thor Versus Tom Hardy… After months of arguing who would win, the coaches decided to transform themselves into Tom Hardy (from Warrior) and Thor and fight it out to settle this score once and for all. The Kilted Coaches present a battle that nearly cost them their channel!        

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Stand tall, Be Proud – Strengthen Your Armour

Stand Tall and Be Proud… Stand tall, be proud! We are all guilty sometimes of hiding behind false armour. whether it be baggy clothes, make-up or even a false persona. Drop the false amour and start to strengthen the real – the skin you were born with. Stand stall and be proud of who you…

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Weekly round up for the Kilted Coaches.

First up… For this weeks Mindset Monday, the coaches brought you a video on how to appreciate just how awesome you really are! Realise how awesome you are. This is a lesson from Fonzie. We are big believers that you should always look to make progress. Physically, mentally, emotionally, financially and spiritually. But when you…

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Hang Tough Workout

Hang Tough Workout… The Hang Tough Workout is a simple set of exercises you can do from a hanging position. Whether that be a tree branch, goal posts or a play park apparatus. The exercises are simple and should be done to failure. Plus, at the very end hang for as long s you can!…

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Realise How Awesome you are!

Realise How Awesome you are. Lessons from Fonzie! Realise how awesome you are. This is a lesson from Fonzie. We are big believers that you should always look to make progress. Physically, mentally, emotionally, financially and spiritually. However, when you are constantly looking forward, its nice to be able to stop, take a look at…

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Lets Take a Look at What the Coaches Have Been up to This Week!

Lets Take a Look at What the Coaches Have Been up to This Week… For this weeks Mindset Monday the coaches gave us their insight in to a problem most of us probably encounter in our lives…Giving an Inch and taking a mile! Give an inch and they’ll take a mile! We have all perhaps…

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Workout with Nature

Workout with Nature… Workout with nature. No need for a gym or fancy equipment. Get back to basics and use what mother nature provided us with. So, for any workout you don’t actually need much equipment! All you need is a big log and a rock!!   LETS GET STUCK IN!!   https://youtu.be/78N7i-7DulI

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Give an Inch and They’ll Take a Mile!

Give an Inch and They’ll Take a Mile… Give an inch and they’ll take a mile. We have all perhaps experienced situation in life where you helped a friend, family member or perhaps went out of your way for a colleague who then began to expect this from you with no return or thanks. It…

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This weeks round up by The Kilted Coaches

What did the Coaches get up to this week… First up… For this weeks mindset Monday, the Coaches go through their insight achieving the things you really want and once your mind is made up…Jump in with Bothe feet! To Jump in with both feet is sometimes the only way to go when trying to…

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