Mindful Movement.
We’re the first guys to tell you that you are more than just your physical body. And it’s important to acknowledge that although we are physical, mental, emotional and spiritual beings each one of those aspects will absolutely effect the others. So although we are more than just a physical being it’s essential to acknowledge that your physical body has a direct impact on your mental health, emotional intelligence and your spiritual well-being, whatever that looks like for you.
So let’s move our bodies in celebration of this physical world we find ourselves in.
There’s one word there that deserves repeating…. Celebration.
Movement should never be a punishment although if you were to buy into all the latest trends you may believe otherwise and it’s these trends that put some people off exercise… sometimes even moving.
Let’s all sing a different song. That of celebration and gratitude.
This article is not about exercise and training regimens. We’re not here to talk about the latest HIIT workouts, pumping iron or swinging kettlebells. This is article is about taking the time to move mindfully. To tune into your body and listen to what your body is telling you. This might just start with bending your neck from side to side. What do you feel when you do that? Is there any tightness? Next you might want to rotate your spine a little, bend your legs or roll your shoulders and each time you move FEEL the sensations of your body. Yes you are more than just a physical being but you do have a body and it contributes directly to all other aspects of who you are.
Mindful movement improves your circulation, optimises your body’s ability to process energy, improves mobility, reduces inflammation and tightness and generally creates more ease (the opposite being dis-ease/disease).
Yes, there are endless ways in which you can move and exercise but this all starts by simply moving more mindfully.
If you start with moving a few joints in honour of your physical being and feeling what your body is telling you this will naturally progress.
In time you’ll find yourself taking deeper breaths, doing a little yoga, moving through a little resistance to create more strength, moving through different join angle to create more mobility and even moving through rhythm to create dance.
When you put this into practice on a daily basis it’s inevitable that you’ll want to start eating better food (you are what you eat after all), you’ll want to get to bed on time and you’ll also appreciate the subtleties of good posture. Move in celebration of your body with love and gratitude and you will transform your whole life.
Looking for weight loss?
Too many people punish their body in pursuit of acceptance (from themselves) with gruelling workouts, restrictive eating or other toxic behaviour.
Lasting weight loss is a by-product of living a mindful and inspired life of love and gratitude.
So let’s move in celebration of our physical nature, honour our bodies and be mindful in all we do.
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