Exciting new changes coming to our Channel!

The Kilted Coaches explain their exciting new changes coming to the channel.

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Well it’s Friday everyone.

I’m not going to sing it….You’ve got that Friday feeling.

Especially when I’ve got my shades on, you need your shades on too.

I know.

I’ve still got the present Stephen got me.

You got them five minutes ago.


So we’ve got some exiting changes to the channel.

We’re always moving forward we’re always trying to give you guys the best and as we learn along the way we’re going to start presenting more to the channel.

That’s going to come in the form of vlogs.

Yeah so video logging is becoming very popular and we’re learning aren’t we?

Well I mean it’s bizarre you watch some vlogs and you think why are they popular? But they are. [laughter].

We’re kind of watching other vlogs they’re just videoing they’re day to day life thinking why is this interesting? But they’re obviously popular and most of our audience has asked us you know to know more about us so we’re going to show you more. as we’re going to show you our day to day lives what we get up to.

Now in the short term we’re going to take a turn about because a vlogs very personal we’ll both be in them but other things will be in them too. We’re going to take it week about and we’re going to release the vlogs on Thursdays we’ve got our usual Monday, Wednesday, Friday release schedule we’re adding in a extra day.

Yeah we are so yesterday was our first day. [laughter].

Another exciting change we’re going to be brining we’ve been flirting with it for weeks/ months now.

We actually mentioned it a couple months ago about doing al live Q&A.

i embarrassed myself when I was testing it out I didn’t actually know it had gone live. I was getting audio feedback which I still haven’t solved yet but still and then I refreshed it and all these comments came up I was like holy shit.

it’s a good job you weren’t sitting in the buff.

Which I usually do, obviously.

Right so live Q&A what we’re going to do is utilise our email subscriber list so anyone who is signed up an email will go our a week in advance and in that email we’re going to ask you is there any questions you want to know. Because what you have to understand is we get a lot of emails in every day and it is just the two of us we don’t have a team working on them it is just the two of us and it’s not fair to the rest of the clan to give individual responses. When we answer one question that everyone could potentially benefit from and sometimes people send us lengthy emails so what we’re going to do is we’re going to ping out the email asking for your questions. Just firm the questions back and we’ll address them in the live Q&A which means everyone can benefit from the answer and not just one person.

Above and beyond that you can actually type away live and chat with us when we’re on live you can comment and we can answer your questions as they are at the moment. Interact with us we’re going to grab a whisky and the rules going to be as long as there’s whiskey in the glass we’ll be there when the whiskeys gone, we’re gone.

So we’ve also realised that there’s a lot of people commenting on our videos who are in their 50’s, 60’s and a few even in their 70’s so we’ve been asked numerous times can you show us a few things how to get fit in the older generations that’s exactly what we’re going to do. We’re going to start a Get Fit basics video series just so you know exactly how to start off, some of the basic techniques and structure of exercise programme.

So just the bare bones taking it right back to the beginning so if you’ve never done exercise before this is going to be the series for you. We’ll still have all of our usual advanced workouts on there as well but this is something that is getting added to the channel. Everything we’ve mentioned is getting added to the channel.

So you’re going to get an extra video in the week with the vlogs –

Live Q&A which is an extra video again when you think of it..

  • – and also we’re keeping all of the stuff you love the Mindset Mondays they’re staying we’ve got bags of stuff that we want to give you they’re staying in they’re very popular, the random Wednesday workout and the health hacks and all sorts of different things they’ll stay.
  • Friday videos which are sometimes workouts or again just random things that we’re doing sometimes funny videos they will be staying also.
  • So, there’s plenty more videos for you guys loads and loads and loads of new stuff coming your way we’re always trying to give you more because you deserve it.
  • With all of the new stuff coming in you’ve got to remember there’s al to of things that will stay the same.
  • Right, Buddy, it’s time to crack on.