That One Thing

That One Thing…

That one thing to guarantee success. Stephen and Rab, The Kilted Coaches, deliver another mindset lesson and this time they discuss how to guarantee success on any given day. By defining your one thing, you all but guarantee a successful day.

So today, we are bringing this lesson all the way falls of bruar…and its all about one thing! When you’re super busy, when yo have so much on your plate, it can become overwhelming. It can actually cause a little bit of anxiety from time to time, the you are thinking ‘I’ve got so much to do and can get it all done’ and very often end up doing nothing at all.

You get yourself stressed out and get quite down about it all and you feel you’re not sticking to the damn plan. So in situations like that, it is important to analyse the tasks you do have to get done. Always plan ahead, sometimes just taking 2 minutes to yourself in the morning can really give you a lot of clarity in your mind to what is actually important for your days activities. Writing down everything that you would like to get done that day, then priorities each task and say what can I call a success if I get this done? So one win from that day. One thing you get done and call it a successful day!


Sometimes this can be something as simple as ‘I am going to go for a 5 mount walk today’ just to breath some fresh air and ill my lungs to get some energy. It could be something as simple as ‘I am going to have some breakfast today’. It could be ‘i’m going to get all my food prep done’ because of you have your food ready you know you will be eating well. You might not have time to train and might not have time to get other things done but that one thing is in the bag!

Depending on how busy you are and what you have to do, that one thing that you decide to do, that will become bigger if you have less to do, and will be very small if you have a mountain of things to do. So take a look at your day and when you are feeling a little bit stressed/anxious about all the tasks you have to get done, or if you’re not too sure what you actually need to do that day. Just pick something. Just one thing to get done that day!