How To Look Good In A Kilt…
How to look good in a Kilt. If you are going to wear a Kilt you should do it with pride. Here is a simple workout to make the kilt look even better.
The main muscle groups that will be worked are the calfs and the quads. You want to have a good set of legs for wearing a kilt! Really important for you to stand tall and proud, you wan to have really good posture when wearing a kilt.
The exercises in this workout are as follows and each exercise should be worked until it burns!
1 – Calf Raises.
2 – Weighted Calf Raises.
3 – Squats.
4 – Low External Rotation which will target the upper back.
5 – Pulse Squats.
6 – Push backs that will target the upper back.
7 – Continuous Pulse Squats.
8 – High External Rotations which will target the upper back.