The Kilted Coaches Weekly Round Up…
First, Stephen and Rab brought you their Mindset Monday. This was all about being offended!
It’s ok to be offended. Many people often change their behaviour and companies have been known to change policies….. all in fear of people being offended. As we discuss in this video, being offended is nothing more than a whinge based on nothing but your opinion.
Next up…
Stephen and Rab brought you an Abs routine in a lovely location.
The Plank Variation Ab routine is a fantastic workout for building a good strong core and tightening up the mid section. This routine will maximise fat burning and get your on your way to a firmer stomach. As with all these exercise routine, lease consult with your doctor before embarking on any workout programme you find online.
What The FAQ????
Will weight training make me bulky? this is a common question we receive usually before a person embarks on a training programme. Resistance training is a fantastic tool for losing weight and the benefits go beyond simply making you stronger. Find out in this video if the ‘bulk’ myth has any substance.
The Kilted Coaches – Stephen and Rab Fitness, Nutrition, Mindset, Family, Friends and All Things Scotland. We love coaching people towards their goals whether that be weight loss, happiness or lifestyle changes.
You’ve been coached episode 5…
This week we challenged our participants to create a meal that followed all of our principles AND had as many colours of the rainbow in it as possible. Check out how they got on 🙂
Easy Like Sunday Morning…