Haggis Tossers

Haggis Tossers

The Kilted Coaches were out and about at the back of Auchterarder and decided to make a short video on some exercise which the item they happened to have in the car. Those items were two gym balls and, oddly enough, a Haggis.

Stephen and Rab (The Kilted Coaches) advice is always to keep things as simple a possible and just work hard at them. The first three exercises include the gym balls and the fourth also involves the Haggis. You’ll have to watch the video to understand.

Haggis Tossers.

The Kilted coaches are a pair of Haggis Tossers.

Stephen says….
“We were just going to make up a quick video on a few exercises to do with a gym ball but then Rab decided we should use the Haggis too. I wasn’t about to disagree because I knew we’d come up with something fun.”

Rab says…
“The Haggis is now an essential part of our exercise kit. Never leave home without one”

The exercises The Kilted Coaches did were gym ball squats which they did using each others backs as support, Plank of the gym ball and then press ups with feet on the gym balls.


The Kilted coaches left the best for last when they balanced kneeling on the ball and passed the Haggis to each other. The lead to ‘Haggis Tossers’ or ‘Haggis Tossing’ being invented.