The Stone of Destiny – Can the Kilted Coaches bring the Stone of Destiny back to Perth?
Join the Kilted Coaches as they discuss bringing the Stone of Destiny back to it’s rightful place in Perth. As always, the Kilted Coaches bring a little fun to the video. The video starts with he idea that MP Murdo Fraser wants to bring the stone of destiny back to Perth. The Kilted Coaches wonder if it’s as easy as just picking it up and returning it to it’s rightful place. Are the Kilted Coaches strong enough to lift the stone by hand?
This was so much fun to film. Rab had the idea after reading in the local newspaper that a politician wanted to return the Stone of Destiny back to Perth. In Rab’s words “he said ‘return it’ like it was a video tape” which then led on to us having the conversation about what it would take to just pick up the Stone of Destiny and bring it back to Perth. Lucky for us we have a good friend Stephen Cherrie who is former Scotland’s strongest man and record holder for the heaviest Atlas Stone lift. If we wanted to lift the Stone of Destiny we were going to need some help so a full day training with the strong men and women was in order.
We hope you enjoy this as much as we enjoyed filming it. And if you happen to know Murdo Fraser please tell him the Kilted Coaches will do the heavy lifting when Perth and Kinross Council get permission to bring the stone back the Perth.
You can catch up with the Kilted Coaches here: