It's not about workouts (although ours are pretty good)
and it's not about the diet (although our nutrition coaching system works well)
It's about YOU and your engagement in a new lifestyle. Thats why we're there with you every step of the way.
Fancy a wee regular email from us?

It was after having lunch ( and a couple of whiskies) in 2015 that we came to the conclusion that too many people were taking health and fitness too seriously and in effect the ‘health’ part of that equation was suffering. Creating The Kilted Coaches was our answer to that problem and everything we teach is laid on a foundation of health and happiness.
We believe in training hard, eating healthy nutritious food but having fun and allowing for life along the way. Relax and ensure you enjoy your lifestyle rather than making yourself miserable trying to achieve some unrealistic goal. For us, that means enjoying a few drams of Whisky from time to time.
We believe that most people either don’t know who they are or are scared to show the real thing. Part of our coaching is encouraging people to take some time and think about who you are deep down and then show that person to the world. Watch the video ‘Be Yourself in HD’ to learn more about this. We love wearing Kilts and Scotland in general plus we’re big kids at heart so why not mix that into wellness coaching?
There are only two things that matter in life….. Health and Happiness. We aim to bring both to as many people across the globe as possible.
Other Projects and Featured in.
We pride ourselves in being easy-going and fun loving while delivering an impactful message. It’s a relaxed philosophy for serious results.
Thats message was received loud and clear by Stellify Media who are also responsible for Who Wants to be a Millionaire? Through the expertise of Stellify Media coupled with our on screen presence we created our very own TV show for the BBC called Secret Body. You can find out more about Secret Body here.
We shared the screen with Joanna Lumley!
The combination of good coaching and kilts with a side helping of fun and laughter has seen Stephen and Rab appear several times in the media including Channel 4’s Superfoods with Kate Quilton, national news shows, radio, newspapers and international magazines. One of our proudest features to date is sharing the screen with TV Royalty Joanna Lumley OBE for her show Home Sweet Home where we hilariously cut her off by running across her set (with tops off and in slow motion of course). We're proud to say we must have at least made a small impression on her as she was kind enough to endorse us and give us a quote for the front cover of our book.

How to Stick to the Damn Plan - The Book

We are excited to introduce our new Book:
The Kilted Coaches - How to stick to the damn plan.
Please take your time to read a little of the book and then order your copy here.