Rhubarb and Ginger Porridge – 52 ways to do Porridge.

Rhubarb and Ginger Porridge.

It was only last week when Rab and I were having the conversation about our 52 ways to do porridge series and seriously working that we would start struggling at some point to come up new and exciting recipes. We thought we’d have to start going through a list of fruits just to be able to finish the year of weekly porridge videos. Porridge with blueberries, Porridge with banana, Porridge with Raspberries, Porridge with strawberries, Porrid…. zzzzzzzz. Falling asleep just writing about them.

But then we came up with this beauty. To be honest the original idea of Rhubarb and Ginger came from one of our clients but it was up to us to decode how we were going to do that and we really didn’t let ourselves down. If you have been following any of our recipes at all you MUST try this one. Rhubarb and Ginger porridge is now my favourite way to have my oats. Try it this week and let us know what you think.


Rhubarb and ginger porridge