Non-Equipment Quad Workout

Non-Equipment Quad Workout

If you want strong quads without going to the gym then the non-equipment quad workout is for you. This is a leg workout without weights that will leave your legs feeling like jelly. This is a great quads workout for men and women, utilising body weight exercises that you can do at home or anywhere really. A fantastic routine for burning fat.

We will have to warn you though, this is by far the most intense leg workout we have done ever! In fact it is quite simply the hardest leg workout without weights we have ever done! Tread carefully and seek medical permission before embarking on this routine.

Set 1…

20 Deep Squats

Set 2…

20 Deep Squats PLUS 20 Pulse Lunges on each leg

Set 3…

20 Squats PLUS 20 Pulse Lunges on each leg PLUS Squat Hold for 1 minute

Set 4…

20 Squats PLUS 20 Pulse Lunges on each leg PLUS Squat Hold for 1 minute PLUS 20 Knee Lifts on each leg