What Have The Coaches Been Up To This Week…
Mindset Monday…
The Revenant mindset is a concept which is based around the comeback the main character in the movie ‘The revenant’ makes. The term ‘revenant’ basically means “to return from the dead” which in usual lore usually relates to skeletons or zombies. But in this mindset its about hitting rock bottom but crawling your way back to the top!
Wednesdays Video…
How to look good in a Kilt. If you are going to wear a Kilt you should do it with pride. Here is a simple workout to make the kilt look even better.
Batman and Bane?
A Quick recap of what we have been up to lately and new programmes coming to our clan membership. You can sign up to the Clan Membership at Thekiltedcoaches.com/clan
And Finally…
To give the coaches their well deserved support, head over to https://www.patreon.com/thekiltedcoaches. You will receive all behind the scenes footage also spot the scot, monthly Callander, crack on videos and much more!